New Year : Hogmanay in the Strath and the Comrie Flambeaux

Crossing Dalginross Bridge Hogmanay - Seekin' Their Cakes In Fife Burning The Clavie At Burghead Hogmanay ( New Years Eve ) is an old and much celebrated occasion throughout Scotland . The word itself however is something of a mystery . Amongst the theories regarding its origins is that it is from the word “ Hagmena “ – a corrupted Greek word meaning “ holy month “ . Another “ learned “ school of thought implies that the word is of French origin and was brought over with the Normans in 1066 !This latter line is based on the old Norman word “ Haguillennes “ . To add to the general confusion a third source promotes the theory that the Hogmanay source lies in the ancient Norse festivals that was celebrated at Yule time . The night before it started was called “ hoggin – nat “ or “ hogenat “ whi...