The Crieff Burgh Band /Crieff Silver Band

The Crieff Burgh Band ( written in the early 1950s ) MacRosty Park c 1920s Crieff Silver Band- MacRosty Park 1949 Back Row: D Scott; A McCabe; D Copland; R Boag; W Suttie; Mid Row: K Blair; C Duncan; D Shepherd; J Oliphant; J Hutchison; C Wilson; F Turner; Front Row: A Duncan; B Gudmunsson, J Watters; R Dickson (Conductor); G Pluckrose; J Duncan; G Watters. My old friend Alex McCabe is a Crieff man through and through – a member of a well respected and known family who have been around the Strath for more than a few generations . Alex kindly gave me a typed article which had come into his possession and believed to have been written in the early 1950s . Its title was simply “The Crieff Burgh Band “ and the author was unknown . As someone who spends a dis...