Strathearn and Perthshire's Role in the Wars of Independence : Wallace and Bruce .

Wallace Monument Stirling Scotland Emerges As A Country And Becomes A Target For Others Scotland a s a nation arrived on the scene when Kenneth mac Alpin emerged as King of Scots when his Dalriata ( modern Argyll ) joined with the Pictish kingdom of Fortren in what is now modern Strathearn . It was not a peacefully worked unification as mac Alpin had defeated the Picts under Drust near Scone . There was, as well, a threat from over the water in Scandinavia. Attracted by the wealth of the increasingly important religious centre of Dunkeld, the Vikings based in Dublin in Ireland launched an attack on the Picts and Scots in 839 at Forteviot near Perth . It was the first of many Viking victories and after a succession of raids succeeded in capturing Dunkeld. Constantine , King of the Scots , retaliated and although defeated at Scone in 904 fought back and won a significant victory in the Battle of Strathearn the f...