Crieff Shops and businesses 100 years ago ( names & places ) - Part Two

List of the Retail and Business Outlets in Crieff in 1913/1914 giving name of proprietor and address - Part Two One Hundred Years Ago ! This is Part Two of the Blog published on the 29th August 2013 I have listed all the names and addresses of the businesses and professions . Of the ten banks listed only two ( the Bank of Scotland and the Clydesdale ) remain . Campbell the Bakers is still in King Street albeit at a different address . Of the other names that still trade we have solicitors Graham & Finlayson in Comrie Street , Frank Thomson in East High Street and the Strathearn Herald is still around but operating from Perth and not Crieff . Such is change ! Bakers (6) Hugh Campbell 2 King Street Crieff Cooperative Society East High Street David Ferguson 53 King Street Peter McCowan Comrie Street WH McKinlay 26 High Street Robert Taylor 50 High Street and 1 King Street Banks (10 ) Bank of Scotland G...