Two Hundred Thousand Hits - Our Story To Date !

200 000 Hits !!! Delighted to say that my Crieff Strathearn Perthshire Local History has now topped 200 000 hits with over 180 Blogs in 6 years and 3 months .Having written some four books on local history , I was determined to have a crack at “ Blogging “ . It was back in February 2012 that I launched it not realising just how popular the history and heritage of the Strath was! The first four years saw the number of hits climb to 84 000 but just over two years later it has soared to 200 000 . I thought somewhat naively that I was catering for the “ home “ market but indeed the stats shown below indicate that nearly half the hits come from outside the UK . Geographical Source of Viewers to the Blog 1. United Kingdom 52% 2. USA ...