Hidden below the Waves

Athol Davaar Lamont Much can be written about my great grand father John Lamont’s children. He had after all some twelve in total between two spouses . I am now going to look at one whose story and appendages are quite incredible . Athol Davaar Lamont was the fourth child to the marriage with Isabell Nairn . His name indeed follows precedent - Athol taken from that area of Perthshire controlled by the powerful Murray Clan and whose Chieftain, the Duke of Athol, even to this day , is the only person in these isles to have a private army ! Davaar is a small island off Kintyre in Argyll at the mouth of Campbeltown Loch . Born in December 1891 in 4c Washington Street Glasgow , Athol was a school boy in the 1901 Census and now living at 20 Campbell Street in the Maryhill District of Glasgow . It is ...