Ochtertyre Pics Then and Now

This my first Blog of the new decade and my 231st in total. It is lovingly dedicated to my children with deep love and affection - Nic Mayall - Elise MacDonald - Jasmine Mayall and the late Richard Mayall . Doad x Ochtertyre Pics Then and Now Ochtertyre was built for the Murray family between 1785 and 1789 to the design of architect James McLeran . The present owner is Sir Brian Souter co-founder of the Stagecoach transport conglomerate and functions as his country retreat . Of particular interest are the developments in the mid 19 th century . The 7 th Baronet Sir William Keith Murray ( 1801 – 1861 ) was a bit of an astronomer and in his wisdom decided to build an observatory to the west of the family home . This fortunately corresponded with the growth and development of ph...