Saint Fillan And His Cures For Sundry Ailments Let me commence this blog by an extract from a superbly informative book written by a Presbyterian Minister , one William Marshall DD from Coupar Angus . The book " Historic Scenes of Perthshire" was written in 1880 and although perhaps tainted by a somewhat myopic view of other Christian faiths , it does contain some real gems and is superbly researched . St Fillans in yester year Dunfillan - the hill of Saint Fillan The ruins if the pre Reformation church of Dundurn " As we approach Loch Earn, we come to a scene consecrated by its connection with the famous St Fillan, who evangelised the country here and in the wilds of Breadalbane, and whose arm did such wonders on the field of Bannockburn. The beautiful hill covered with verdure to the top, and the green ...