Jacobites in Strathearn ( Part Two )

The defeat at Culloden however was a signal for the Hanoverian establishment led  by the odious Duke of Cumberland aka “ Stinking Willie “ to carry out a campaign of virtual genocide  to eradicate a  culture , a people and a proud society . Much has  been written  regarding support  for  the Jacobite cause in Scotland as a  whole. In Perthshire Strathearn we  find  much distortion of the truth mostly  spun  not by the English politicians  but mainly  by the fanatically zealous Calvanistic  Presbyterians who had never  hidden their hatred  of the mainly Episcopalian and Catholic Jacobites .

The support within  Strathearn  for the Jacobites was  considerable mainly  attributable  to the fact that the Lairds of the land such as the Drummonds , Murrays and Grahams had raised  considerable  numbers  from their  territories to fight for the cause . Much of this  has  been air brushed from history and accordingly I list below  a synopsis  of  some of those from Strathearn and Southern Perthshire   who fought , escaped  were transported or returned  or died  in the conflict . It is  taken from the list compiled in 1998 by Frances McDonnell.

Alexander Abernethy , Captain , farmer , Tippertie  , Duke of Perths Regt  captured at siege of Carlisle  30 Dec 1745 Died  in Southward Prison Aug 1746

John Archibald  , Sheriff Officer Perth imprisoned  10 Feb 1746  Perth and Edinburgh Jail  released under  General Pardon 1746 .

David Barrie , cottar  Easter Kinnaird , Atholl Brigade  , in South  and in England   paid listing money ) .

David Baxter ,weaver in Murray of Niviland’s Factory , Crieff,  Duke of Perths Regt , transported 20 Mar 1747 from Tilbury

John Bourne from Huntingtower, Ogilvy’s Regt , cordwainer , 30 Dec 1745 in Carlisle Prison and Chester Castle . Taken at capture of town . No further information regarding him .

Robert Bresdie, resident of Muthill, pressed out by Lord Drummond but returned now at home.

John Buchanan , Auchterarder, age 22 .Duke of Perths Regt , Buchanan’s Company , carried  arms as a volunteer in the Jacobite Army Prisoner at Auchterarder 7 May 1746, Stirling Castle and Carlisle Prisons , servant to Capt Alexander Buchanan , transported 24 Feb 1747 from Liverpool to Virginia  on the Gildart  arrived at Port North Potomac Maryland  5 Aug 1747.

David Butter in Drum servant ( paid listing money ) Atholl Brigade killed at Culloden

 Martha Campbell  , Duke of Perths Regt  released  1747.

Patrick  Butler . Perthshire  , Tullibardines ( ie Atholl’s Regt ) 24 Jun 1746 imprisoned in Perth , 9 Aug  1746 Carlisle Prison , acquitted  19 Sep 1746 .

James Campbell or MacGregor  from Crieff  Perthshire , piper , Glengyle’s Regt , imprisoned in Carlisle , pleaded guilty  at his trial  on 9 Sep  1746  and sentenced to death . Was reprieved  and tried to escape the night before he was transported  on Elizabeth , Master Daniel Cole from Liverpool to Jamaica   6 Feb 1748n but landed in Antigua .  21 Mar 1748 .

Mungo Campbell , Milnrogie , Glenalmond ,Atholl Brigade .

Mungo Campbell , Ensign  in Glengyle’s Regt , late soldier  in lord John Murray’s  Regt ,Crieff , imprisoned in Perth  23 Mar 1747 , discharged  on bail 11 Jul 1747 .

William Murray , Postmaster , Crieff , carried arms  in some superior  station , whereabouts not known .

Murray Younger of  Dollarie  Crieff , volunteer  , wherabouts  not known . ( son of  Murray of Dollerie  , Sheriff – Depute of Perthshire )

Allan McDonald , brewer , Crieff , volunteer , whereabouts not known .

William Harrell , Struthill Mains , Muthill , carried arms  as a volunteer  , whereabouts not known .

James Drysdale , Muthill Perthshire  , Duke of Perths  Regt , pressed in to service , now at home .

Peter ( or Patrick ) Drummond ,Ensign , Bellnae Comrie  imprisoned  May 1746  in Stirling Castle  discharged  19 May 1746 “ on suspicion “ . 


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