The Ancient Church of Strowan Near Crieff
Strowan Church
In the 19th
century there were over 940 ecclesiastical parishes in Scotland .These parishes were administered by the established church that is the Kirk or the Presbyterian Church of
Scotland who were after the Reformation the successor to the Catholic Church in Scotland . In the majority of cases these parishes had their origins in pre Reformation days and many of the older parish churches still survive albeit
often in a ruinous
condition . One little gem that remains although in a somewhat ruinous
condition is that of Strowan Church near
Crieff .
Just the walls remain
The over grown entrance to the Kirk
Memorial in the interior in Latin dated 1684
The window on the rear wall above where the alter would have been located
Just the walls remain
Memorial in the interior in Latin dated 1684
The window on the rear wall above where the alter would have been located
Old and new
Strowan was a Parish in its own right until the 1600s when it amalgamated with the adjoining Parish of Monzievaird to become Monzievaird and Strowan .The church that exists was erected on the site of an even earlier structure dating back into the mists of time and was in probability constructed in the early 17th century .It is dedicated to St Rowan or St Ronan and has around it a small grave yard with a variety of stones and memorials many of which are those of the Stirling family , the one time Lairds of Strowan .
Old Strowan Bridge
Strowan House showing Strowan Cross - site of the old market
Strowan Cross
The Cross located east of Strowan House was the centre point of the annual market and Fair was sheltered by a mature lime tree. The Cross bore the initials JNRN - Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judorum .
One reason why Strowan has survived the vagaries of modernisation is
that after the Second World War the old Strowan Bridge was demolished as being “ unsafe “ A new bridge
and road were constructed some distance
downstream from the original this
physically isolating the old kirk from easy access .
One of the many interesting features one stumbles across at Strowan
It has a beautiful
serenity and views towards the Baird Monument close by to the
east . Access is by means of what is
sign posted as “ Private Access “ being
the approach to Strowan House and is in fact the old public highway . Drive
out of Crieff on the A85 Comrie road and turn left at Monzievaird along the unscheduled road and cross the new
bridge . Park your
car in the lay by on the south
side of the new bridge and walk the 100 yards
to the old church . It is well worth the effort !
Apart from the
historical and religious fascination of the
old Church in its secluded setting , there are a number of other interesting tales concerning the Parish itself . The founder of
the Parish was one St Rowan who
was also its tutelar Saint . He left
bell to it and three acres of land for the support of the bellman . The
early “ bellmen “ were the dewars or keepers of the bell and the name itself is noted in Scottish 20th Century annals as the surname
of one of the founders of the re – convened
Scottish Parliament - the late Donald
Dewar .
A microcosm of the past
Other local memorials to the Saint survive . The Pool of St
Rowan is a deep pool in the River Earn
about 100 yards upstream from the old bridge of Strowan .In addition
there is a fine spring of water close by the House known as St Rowan’s Well .
Although the Church ceased to function as such in 1804 when it amalgamated with the parish church of Monzievaird ( pronounced " Monie - vaird " !!! ) its history extends far back into the mists of early Celtic Christianity . The Latin memorial shown above is dated 1684. Archaeological research carried out indicates that the ruined church was rebuilt prior to that date on the same site and in probability goes back as far as the 12th century or even earlier .
This is one of the hidden treasures of Strathearn - easily accessed and close by a host of other " points of interest " including Baird's Monument - the Pictish , Tom a chastel ( the Royal Palace of Strathearn or Forten ) and of course Samson's Stone on the Laggan walk !
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