Voters Roll for 1832 covering Crieff Auchterarder ComrieBlackford and Fowlis Wester

Democracy Arrives !

Having  taught genealogy or family history for  more than fifteen years  to further education students here in Strathearn, I have been aware  of the importance of providing adequate  research sources  for those attempting to find that direct  route back to Adam ! The 1832 Voters Roll was something quite unique aand is not generally available on the internet genealogy web sites . Why was it so important ? 

The Scottish Reform Act 1832 was an Act of Parliament that introduced wide ranging changes to the election laws of Scotland. the Act was passed at approximately the same time as theReform Act 1832 which applied  only  to Wales and England .Before the Act six small Counties elected an MP Only in alternate Parliaments .The Act changed things . Kinross and Clackmannanshire became a  single constituency . Edinburgh and Glasgow  had two MPs whilst Aberdeen , Dundee, Greenock, Paisley and Perth had one each .

The effect of the reform Act was considerable . 5 000 adult males were entitled to vote . Women in those  days  were unenfranchised . The Act increased Scottish MPs  from 45  to 53 and the franchise increased from under 5 000 of the 2 300 000 population  to
 65 000  voters . Householders of £ 10 value and tenants of £ 50 annual rental in the country seats  now had the vote . This  of  course  included  moat tenant farmers in rural constituencies . 

Prior to 1832 an Election  in Crieff  saw  the candidates stand in James Square and the handful of those  having  the vote were asked  to raise their hands  as each candidate was called  forth ! 

This blog covers Crieff Auchterarder Comrie Blackford Fowlis Wester .

Alphabetical List
of the
The Parish of Crieff
The County of Perth


James Arnot , merchant ,proprietor, tenement , garden and pertinents ,Crieff

David Arnot , at Turret Bleachfield , near Crieff, owner or proprietor, houses, and pertinents ,King Street of Crieff

James Alexander , stocking - maker . proprietor or owner , lands, houses, and other subjects , village of Crieff


David Buchan, mason ,proprietor, lands , houses and other subjects , Tomaknock .

Joseph Barclay , farmer , proprietor , lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

James Buchan , builder , proprietor , lands, houses and other subjects , Crieff

John Bayne , builder , proprietor , lands and houses , and other subjects , Crieff

Colin Brown , residenter , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Crieff

William Brydie , feuar, proprietor , lands , houses and other subjects , Crieff

Peter Brydie , carrier , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Crieff


William Caw, feuar ,proprietor, lands , houses, and other subjects , Crieff

Colin Cairnie , mason , proprietor , lands , houses, and other subjects , Crieff

James Clement , wheelwright, proprietor, lands , houses, and other subjects, Crieff

John Caw, wright, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

David Caw, miller, tenant, lands and mill, Millnab

Alexander Crerar , flesher, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects Crieff

Archibald Campbell, weaver , proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

Donald Campbell, wright , proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

John Cameron, residenter, proprietor, lands , houses, and other subjects , Crieff

William Clement, junior , merchant, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

John Campbell, farmer, tenant, lands , houses, and farm , Hosh

Anthony Cuthbert, residenter in Crieff , owner or occupant , house and pertinents ,Crieff


John McGregor Drummond , captain, proprietor, houses, and pertinents , Crieff

John Drummond, feuar, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

William Drummond , wright, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

Peter Dewar, residenter, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects, North Bridgend of Crieff

John Dron, farmer, tenant, farm, lands, and houses, Middle Crieffvechter

William Drysdale, woollen –manufacturer, tenant, mills, lands, houses, and other subjects, Crieff

James Drummond , flesher, proprietor, lands, houses and other subjects, Crieff

John Drummond, mason, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects, Crieff

James Dewar, farmer , tenant, lands and houses , North Dowald

James Dewar , carrier, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

Alexander Dewar, residenter , proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects, Gallowhaugh, Crieff


William Ewan, farmer, tenant, lands and houses, Dornock ,and Wester Dalpatrick

Ralph Erskine, coppersmith, proprietor, lands, houses and other subjects , Crieff

Peter Ewan , quarrier, proprietor, tenements , garden, and pertinents , Crieff


John Forrester, schoolmaster, liferenter, schoolmaster’s house and garden , Crieff

John Faichney, mason , proprietor, houses, gardens, and pertinents, Crieff

Peter Fenton, cabinet –maker, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects, Crieff

John Fenton, writer, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

Daniel Ferguson, feuar, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects, Crieff

John Ferguson , mason, joint- proprietor or owner, lands , houses, mills &c. North Bridgend of Crieff

Peter Ferguson, mason, joint – proprietor or owner, lands, houses, mills, &c. North Bridgend of Crieff

Alexander Ferguson , labourer, proprietor, or owner, lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff


John Gibson, senior, vintner, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

David Grigor, farmer, tenant, lands, houses, and farm , Easter Crieffvechter

James Graham , farmer, tenant, farm, lands, and houses Greenhead

Alexander John Graeme, tenant , lands , Bellview

John Gowans, writer, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

James Gentle , writer in Edinburgh , owner or proprietor , tenements , gardens and pertinents , Crieff


William Halley , proprietor, lands, houses , and other subjects , Crieff


Daniel Jack, grocer, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

William Johnston, saddler, proprietor or owner, lands, houses and other subjects , Dalirie

Alexander Keay, farmer, joint – tenant , lands and houses , Mains of  Callander

John Keay, farmer, joint- tenant , lands and houses and other subjects , Mains of Callander

William Kemp, victualler, proprietor or owner, lands, houses, and other subjects , village of Crieff


William Laing , minister, liferenter, manse, glebe and offices, Crieff

William Leitch, writer, proprietor, lands , houses and other subjects , Crieff


David Murray, farmer, tenant, lands, Corriemuckloch

Alexander Murray , residenter, tenant, lands, Little Downie

William Murray, merchant, proprietor, house, shop, garden &c. Crieff

James McCallum, tenant, farm and lands, Findoch

Hugh McGregor, vintner, proprietor, house, yard, and pertinents , Crieff

Patrick Maxton , proprietor, town and lands, Kincardine

Peter McCallum, farmer, tenant, farm, lands, and houses, Greenfield or East Hill
R.B.McPherson, Lieutenant- Colonel, proprietor, lands, houses and other subjects , Crieff

William Menzies, merchant, owner, house and pertinents , Crieff

James McDuff, residenter , proprietor, lands and houses, Millhills

Dougal MacDougall, farmer, tenant , lands, houses and farm , West Crieffvechter

James McRorie, cattle-dealer, proprietor , lands , houses and other subjects , Crieff

James McOwan , baker, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

Thomas McNeill, stocking-weaver, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects, Crieff

James McComish, Lieutenant, Royal Navy, joint-proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects, Crieff

Alexander McRosty, merchant, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

Robert McIlvride, vintner, proprietor , lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

William W . M’Comish, surgeon , joint-proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

William McNeill, residenter, proprietor, lands, houses and other subjects , Bridgend of Crieff

James Maxtone, farmer, tenant, lands and houses , Easter Kincardine

James McGregor, farmer, joint-tenant, farm, lands and houses , Meikle or Muckle Downie

James McCulloch , farmer, joint-tenant, lands and houses, Hill of Callander , &c.

John McCulloch , farmer, joint-tenant, lands and houses, Hill of Callander

William McGregor , farmer , joint – tenant, lands, Meikle Downie

Doctor David Malcolm, schoolmaster, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

James McViccar, mason , proprietor , in right of his wife , lands , houses, and other subjects , Crieff

John McNiven, mason , owner or proprietor , houses, garden and pertinents , Gallowhill , Crieff

Alexander McDonald , at North Bridgend of Crieff, proprietor or owner, lands, houses, and other subjects , North Bridgend of Crieff

John McGregor , baker, proprietor or owner, lands, houses, and other subjects , village of Crieff

Duncan McFarlane , labourer, proprietor or owner , lands, houses, or other subjects , village of Crieff

Duncan McLaren ,mason , proprietor or owner, lands, houses, and other subjects , village of Crieff

James McFarlane , residenter in Crieff, proprietor or owner , lands, houses, and other subjects , village of Crieff
John McFarlane , shoemaker, proprietor or owner , lands, houses, and other subjects , village of Crieff

Andrew McRobbie, at Tomoknock, proprietor or owner , lands, houses, and other subjects village of Crieff

John Martin , residenter in Crieff, proprietor or owner , lands, houses, and other subjects , village of Crieff

James Miller , mason , proprietor or owner , lands , houses, and other subjects , village of Crieff

Daniel M’Kenzie, feuar, proprietor or owner , lands, houses, and other subjects , Gallowhaugh of Crieff

Peter McNaughton, residenter in Monzie, owner or proprietor , houses , garden, and pertinents , village of Crieff

Hector Munro , wright , proprietor or owner , lands , houses, and other subjects , village of Crieff

Daniel M’Rorie, mason , proprietor or owner , lands, houses, and other subjects , village of Crieff

David M’Liesh, carrier , proprietor or owner, lands, houses, and other subjects , village of Crieff

Peter M’Owan , labourer, proprietor or owner, lands, houses, and other subjects , village of Crieff


James Neish , ironmonger, proprietor or liferenter , lands , houses, and other subjects, village of Crieff


George Philips, slater, proprietor, lands, houses , and other subjects , Crieff

Alexander Porteous , captain , houses, gardens, and pertinents , Crieff

John Philips, writer, proprietor or owner, lands, houses, and other subjects , village of Crieff


James Ramsay, merchant, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

James Reid , farmer , tenant, farm , lands, and houses, Pittentian

John Rintoul, farmer, tenant, land, and houses, Easter Dowald

John Rodger , farmer , tenant , lands, houses, and farm , Auchalhanzie

William Roy, blacksmith , proprietor or owner , lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

William Robertson , mill- wright, proprietor or owner , lands, houses, and other subjects , village of Crieff
Daniel Robertson, cattle dealer in Methven , proprietor , or liferenter, in right of his wife, lands , houses, and other subjects , village of Crieff

John Ritchie , wright in Perth , proprietor or owner , lands, houses , and other subjects , town of Crieff


James Sharp, spirit – dealer, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

Alexander Seton , residenter, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

James Stobie, farmer, tenant , lands, and houses, Wester Dowald

Andrew Sharp, farmer, tenant, farm and lands, South Forr

John Stewart , blacksmith, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

John Stewart , residenter , proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

William Stothart , labourer, proprietor , lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff


George Traill , surgeon , proprietor , lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

James Taylor, merchant , proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

William Taylor, merchant, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff


William Wright , barber, proprietor, tenements, garden, and pertinents , Crieff

Thomas Wright , tanner, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects , Crieff

Thomas Wright , tanner, joint – proprietor or owner , lands , houses , and other subjects , Crieff

John Wright , tanner , joint- proprietor or owner , lands , houses, and other subjects , Crieff


Alexander Young ,proprietor, lands , houses, and other subjects , Crieff.

Freeholders  on the Old Roll , deriving Qualifications from Land in this Parish .

Alexander Campbell of  Kincardine in Crieff

Alexander M’Laurin of Broich

James Murray Paton of Glenalmond

Alphabetical List
of the
The Parish of Fowlis Wester
The County of Perth


David Anderson , farmer , tenant , lands , Easter Buchanty


David Brown ,farmer , tenant , farm , Newbiggin

James Buchan , at Blairmore , , tenant , farm , Blairmore

Robert Buchan , at Blairmore , tenant , farm , Blairmore


William Christie , farmer , tenant , Newmill

William Comrie , farmer , tenant , farm , South Buchanty

James Christie , at Tail, tenant , lands , Tail and Pitlandie

William Comrie , farmer , tenant , lands , Drumie of Abercairney .

William Clark , farmer , tenant , farm , East Keillour

Alexander Comrie , farmer , tenant , farm , West Buchanty

John Cameron , vintner , proprietor , lands and houses , Gilmerton

James Robertson Clauser , farmer , tenant , lands and houses ,Littleton of Cultoqhhey


Thomas Dickie , farmer , tenant , farm , Keillour

Peter Dow , farmer and innkeeper , tenant , lands , houses ,and farm , Old Half way- house , Gorthy

James Dow , at Shannacher , tenant , farm , Shannacher 


Peter Fisher , farmer , tenant , farm , Tulchan


William Gauld , farmer , joint – tenant , lands , Easter and Wester Connaghan

James Gardiner , farmer, tenant , lands and houses , Craigend of Cultoquhey

Peter Gow , farmer , tenant , farm , Upper Tulchan

Peter Gorrie , farmer , tenant , farm , Foulford


Robert Halley , farmer , tenant , part of lands , Green of Keillour


Peter Livingston , farmer , tenant, part of lands  Duillater

William Leitch , at Upper  Condacloich , tenant , lands and houses , Upper Condacloich


Captain D M’Donald , residenter at Easter Sunnyside , proprietor , houses and lands , Easter Sunnyside

James Moray , Esquire of Abercairney , proprietor , lands , Abercairney

Robert Miller , farmer , tenant  , farm , Fornought

William Marshall , farmer , tenant , lands , Tofts

James M’Farlane , farmer , tenant , lands , and houses , Duillator

John M’Neill ,  farmer , tenant , lands , houses and farm Bellnollo

Andrew Miller , at Wester Upper Kipney , tenant and occupant ,  lands and houses , Wester Upper Kipney

William Murray , at Louisafield , Logiealmond , tenant and occupant , lands and houses , Louisafield

David Murray , labourer , proprietor in right of his wife , lands , houses, and others , Gilmorton

Robert Maxton , farmer , tenant and occupant , lands and houses , Pittencleroch

 John M’Gregor , senior , at Girreon , joint – tenant and occupant , farms , lands , and houses , Girreon and Dalreoch

James M’Gregor , at Girreon , joint – tenant and occupant , farms , lands , and houses , Girreon and Dalreoch

Peter M’Gregor , at Girreon , joint- tenant and occupant , farms, lands , and houses , Girreon and Dalreoch

John M’Gregor , junior , at Lochnahooley , joint – tenant and occupant , farms , lands and houses , Girreon and Dalreoch

William M’Ara , farmer , joint – tenant and occupant , farm , lands and houses , Connachan

Duncan M’Laren , labourer , proprietor or owner , lands , houses , and other subjects , village of Gilmerton , or Woodend of Cultoquhey  

William Marshall , at Gilmerton or Woodend of Cultoqhhey , proprietor or owner , lands , houses , and other subjects, Gilmerton or Woodend of Cultoquhey


John Patton , at Francisfield and Mount Catharine , tenant and occupant , lands and  houses ,Francisfield and Mount Catharine

 William Peddie , farmer , , tenant and occupant , lands and houses , Duillator


James Ritchie , farmer , tenant , lands ,Nethermains of Gorthy

Peter Robertson , farmer , tenant , farm , Carsehead

Andrew Robertson , surgeon and farmer , tenant , lands and houses , Newton of Gorthy 

William Roy , labourer , proprietor , lands, houses , &c. , Newfoulis and Gilmerton

James Robertson , farmer , tenant and occupant , lands and houses , Duillator


David Speedy , farmer , tenant , farm , Forebrae of Keillour

John Sharp ,farmer , tenant , lands , Belnollow

Thomas Scott , farmer , tenant , lands , Kentocher

John Stewart, Esquire , proprietor of superiority , lands and estate, Logiealmond


Colin Taylor , at Woodleyburn , tenant and occupant , lands  and houses , Woodleyburn

John Taylor , farmer , tenant and occupant , farm , lands , and houses , West Nether Kipney


John Wylie , farmer , tenant , farm , Drumphin

Alexander Whitet , carter , proprietor , lands, houses, &c., village of Newfoulis


William Young , farmer , tenant , farm , Eastside of Gorthy

James Young , farmer , tenant , farm , Middlethird

James Young , farmer , tenant , lands , houses and farm , Burnbrae

Freeholders on the Old Roll , deriving Qualifications from Land in the Parish

Anthony Maxtone of Cultoquhey
George Mercer of Gorthy
Graeme Mercer of Mavisbank
Thomas Mercer of Burnbrae
Sir Patrick Murray of Ochtertyre , Baronet  ( ** hand written beside his name is the note “ Fowlis Easter “ and Patrick’s name is pencilled out )
George Smythe , advocate
George Stewart , third son of the late Sir George Stewart of Grantully , Baronet ( ** also pencilled out and “ Monzie “ pencilled beside it )
Archibald Douglas Stewart , 5th son of the late Sir George Stewart of Grantully , Baronet ( ** also pencilled out nd pencilled in beside it “ Monzie “ )

NOTE : Added in pencil in the same hand “ 1833  Wm Cameron Wm Peddie “

 Alphabetical List
of the
The Parish of Comrie
The County of Perth


William Brown , at Wester Dalginross, proprietor, lands and houses. Dalchala and Ross

William Brough, farmer, tenant , farm , lands and houses, Milntuim &c.

John Bell , slater, Bridgend of Perth , tenant, slate quarry, or quarries, Lednasky and Glenalmond

John Brown , farmer , tenant, lands and houses , Wester Dalginross or Dalginross


Donald Campbell, farmer , joint – tenant , lands, houses and farm, Glenbeich

William Carmichael , farmer , tenant , farm , lands and house ,Mailermore

Duncan Campbell , farmer , tenant, farm ,lands, and houses , Kingarth

Peter Comrie , vintner and wright, proprietor , lands and houses , village of Comrie

Mungo Comrie , flesher , proprietor , lands and houses, village of Comrie

William Carmichael , labourer, proprietor, houses and lands , village of Comrie

William Comrie , at Dalrannach, proprietor, lands, houses, and other subjects , Ross of Comrie


Daniel Drummond , farmer, tenant, lands and houses, Wester Cowden , &c.


The Hon. David Robertson Williamson Ewart, at Lawers, proprietor in right of wife, lands , Lurg, Little Coplands , &c.

William Ferguson , vintner, proprietor , lands and houses, village of Dalginross

Alexander Ferguson, farmer, tenant, lands and houses, Easter Dundurn. &c.

John Fisher , shoemaker, proprietor, lands , houses , and other subjects , village of Comrie


William Graham, meal- dealer , proprietor , lands , houses, and other subjects, village of Comrie


Duncan Kennedy , tailor, owner or proprietor, house , garden, and other premises, village of Comrie


James M’Laren, at Carshalton, joint- tenant, lands and houses , Carshalton

James M’Farlane, at Carshalton , joint – tenant, lands, houses, Carshalton

John M’Laren, farmer, joint- tenant , lands and houses , Ardveich

Duncan M’Laren , farmer, joint- tenant lands and houses , Ardveich

John M’Nab , farmer, tenant , farm , lands, and houses, Mailerfuar

George M’Farlane , land surveyor, proprietor, lands and houses , village of Comrie
Donald M’Intyre, at Wester Dundurn , tenant, lands and houses, Wester Dundurn

Peter Morrison , farmer, tenant , lands and houses , Cult

Alexander Menzies , farmer , tenant, lands , Blairmore and Blairwhorrie

Duncan Morrison , farmer , tenant, lands and houses , Easter Balindalloch

John M’Ewan,  farmer , tenant, farm, lands and houses, &c., Dalveich

Duncan M’Laren , farmer, tenant, lands and houses , Derry

James M’Farlane , farmer, tenant, lands and houses, Ardtrostan

Duncan M’Laren , farmer, tenant , lands and houses, Craigish

Duncan M’Owan, farmer tenant , farm . lands and houses, Dalhonzie

Thomas M’Whannell , farmer, tenant, lands and farm , Ports and Morrel

Duncan M’Laren , labourer, proprietor, house, garden and lands , Comrie , Lechan , and Dalginross

Alexander M’Isaac, senr. At Tullybannocher, proprietor, lands and houses, village of Comrie

John M’Intyre, farmer, tenant ,lands and houses , , Wester Ballindalloch

Thomas M’Ilwhannell, farmer, tenant , lands and houses,  Glaslarich

Alexander M’Isaac , junr. Farmer, tenant , lands and farms, Crappich and Tullybannocher

Daniel M’Rorie, mason , proprietor, lands and houses , Dalginross

Alexander M’Laren , farmer , tenant , lands and houses , Glentarken

Duncan Montgomerie, residing at Buchanan , proprietor , lands , Easter Ballindalloch

James M’Nab , weaver , proprietor or owner , lands , houses and other subjects, Dalginross of Comrie

James M’Neil, weaver , proprietor or oner , lands , houses, and other subjects , Dalginross of Comrie

Peter M’Farlane , senr. Residing at Comrie, proprietor or owner , lands houses , and other subjects , village of Comrie

John M’Rorie , vintner, proprietor or owner , lands , houses , and other subjects , village of Comrie

John M’Callum, dyer, proprietor or owner, lands , houses and other subjects , Ross of Comrie

Archibald M’Laren , labourer , owner or proprietor , lands , houses , and others , Comrie or Dalginross of Comrie

Archibald M’Intyre , weaver , owner or proprietor , houses, lands, and others village of Comrie

Peter M’Ilwhannell , wright , proprietor or owner , houses and garden , village of Comrie

Duncan M’Nab , residing in Comrie , proprietor in right of his wife , lands , houses , and other subjects , village of Comrie

William M’Laren , cooper, proprietor  or owner , lands , houses , and other subjects , village of Comrie

Peter M’Farlane , nurseryman , proprietor or owner , lands , houses, and other subjects , village of Comrie

Donald M’Laren , senior, at Craggish, proprietor or owner , lands , houses , and other subjects , Ross of Comrie

Alexander M’Ainsh , at Mailermore , proprietor or owner , lands , houses , and other subjects , village of Comrie

James M’Innes, weaver , proprietor or owner, lands , houses, and other subjects , Ross of Comrie


Robert Neilson , mason , owner or proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Glasdale of Comrie


John Pearson, baker, proprietor or owner , lands , houses, and other subjects , village of Comrie

Donald Robertson , farmer , tenant , lands and houses, Easter Glentarken

John Robertson , farmer, tenant, farm . lands, and houses . Glenbeich


James Sharp, farmer, tenant, lands and houses, Aberuchill

John Stewart , farmer, tenant, farm , lands , and houses, Finglen

Alexander Stirling , farmer , tenant , lands and houses, Cultybraggan

Andrew Sharp, farmer , tenant, lands and houses, Easter Dalginross

Alexander Stewart, vintner, proprietor , houses and lands  &c. , village of St Fillans

John Stewart , smith , proprietor , lands and houses , &c. village of Comrie


Duncan Wilson , residing in Comrie , proprietor or owner , lands , houses and other subjects , Comrie and Leiken

Freeholders on the old Roll, deriving Qualifications from Lands in this Parish

James Drummond of Strageath

Sir Robert Dundas of Beechwood , Bart.

David Dundas , younger of Beechwood

William Stewart of Ardvorlich

NB There is a hand written footnote as follows :

Enrolled 1833

William Morison
Donald Carmichael
Archibald M’Laren
Peter Carmichael

 Alphabetical List
of the
The Parish of Auchterarder
The County of Perth


Rev James Burgh , minister , proprietor , lands , Foswell Mill

Peter Bayne  , farmer , tenant , lands and houses , Croftspink

William Barlas , residenter , tenant , farm , Powhillock

William Bannerman , residenter ,joint – proprietor , lands, houses , and other subjects , Castlepark

James Brugh , residenter , proprietor , houses and lands , Cloan

James Brown , Blacksmith , proprietor , lands  , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

James Craigie , farmer , tenant , lands and houses , Maidenplain

David Cant , farmer , tenant , farm , Nether Fordun

Andrew Cunningham , farmer, tenant , farm , Strathie or Westburn

John Couper , farmer , tenant , lands and pertinents , Middle Fordun

David Couper , millwright , proprietor , houses , Auchterarder

Peter Clerk, writer, proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

James Couper , proprietor , lands , Whitefold

John Connal , farmer , tenant , lands and houses , Bullshill and Southbank

Robert Christie , tanner , proprietor , houses , gardens , and other subjects , Smiddyhaugh

James Christie , carter , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

John Callum , sawyer, proprietor , lands, houses, and other subjects , Auchterarder

James Clement , wright , proprietor , lands , houses and other subjects , Gaddochy and Auchterarder

John Christie , farmer , proprietor lands and houses , Abbey of Auchterarder

Edward Christie , weaver , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , town of Auchterarder


Robert Duff, farmer , tenant, lands and houses, Arns

James Beveridge Duncan , senior , proprietor , also old freeholder , lands and houses , Damside

John Dewar, weaver , proprietor , in right of his wife , lands , houses , and other subjects , Slatehaugh

James Drummond , wright , proprietor ,lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

James Donaldson , residenter , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects Castle Garvick  or Strand

Matthew Drummond , merchant , proprietor , lands, houses, and other subjects , Auchterarder


William Ferguson ,merchant , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder
James Faichney , farmer , tenant , lands and farm , East Kirkton

Peter Faichney , weaver , proprietor , in right of  his wife , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

John Fernton , shoemaker , proprietor , lands , houses, and other subjects , Auchterarder

James Faichney , weaver , proprietor , lands, houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder


William Gibson , proprietor and tenant , lands and houses , Woodend and Waulkmill

Thomas Gibson , writer , tenant , lands and houses , Bellhie

Robert Gibson , weaver ,proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

Robert Graham , weaver , proprietor , lands , houses, and other subjects , Auchterarder

James Garvie , farmer , tenant , lands and houses , Middle Strathy

Alexander Guild , residenter , proprietor , or liferenter , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

John George , portioner , proprietor , lands , houses, and other subjects , Milton of Auchterarder

William Graham , carter , proprietor , lands , houses, and other subjects , Auchterarder

William Gibson , weaver , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder


James Hunter, proprietor , lands and estate , Auchterarder

John Hart , farmer , tenant , lands and houses , Pairney and Beldhill

William Henderson , wright , proprietor lands , houses, and other subjects , Gaddochy

David Herdman , farmer , tenant , lands and houses , North Strathie

James Hally , slater ,proprietor  , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

John Hally , slater , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

Peter Hutton , cooper , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Smiddyhaugh

William Kirkwood , surgeon , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

Robert Keiller ,wright , proprietor , lands , houses, and other subjects , Smiddyhaugh


Peter Laurence , farmer , tenant , lands an houses , Pothill

Ebenezer James Lawson , surgeon , proprietor , lands , Belvidere

David Lennox , tenant , lands and houses , Loanfoot etc

Edward Lennox , proprietor , lands,  houses ,and other subjects , Smiddyhaugh

Peter Lawson , portioner , proprietor , lands , houses, and other subjects , Auchterarder

Thomas Laurence , weaver , proprietor ,  land , houses , and other subjects, Powhillock

David Littlejohn , weaver , proprietor , lands , houses, and other subjects , Auchterarder


John Morison , weaver , proprietor , lands , houses and other subjects , Auchterarder

David Miller , wright , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

John Mailer, proprietor , lands, houses, and other subjects , Cornhill, Technad , Balcalk &c.

Andrew Morison , farmer , tenant , lands  and houses , East Foredun

John M’Intyre , schoolmaster , proprietor , house and yard , Auchterarder

William Morison , farmer , tenant , lands and houses , Westertown

John Malcolm , proprietor , house and lands , Castlemains

James Moncrieff , wright , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

Peter Martin , residenter , tenant , lands , Newbigging and Clartymire

John M’Robbie , shoemaker , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects  , Auchterarder

John Morrison , farmer , tenant, lands , and houses , Westertown

George Mailer , proprietor , lands ,Wester Eind

Alexander M’Glashan , tenant , lands, houses , and farm , West Kirkton

John Murray , solicitor in supreme courts , proprietor , lands, Gushet

Robert Mailler , senior , portioner , proprietor , lands , houses, and other subjects , Auchterarder

John Mailler , brewer , tenant , lands and houses , Abbey and Geddochy

John Monteith , weaver , proprietor in right of his wife , lands and houses , Milton of Auchterarder

Robert M’Intosh , residenter , proprietor or liferenter , lands and houses , Drummondsfold , &c.

James Mitchell , merchant , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

William M’Ewan , watchmaker , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

Joseph  M’Farlane , residenter , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

James Moir , wright , proprietor  in right of his wife , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

William Morrison , shoemaker , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

Ralph Murray , shoemaker , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Smiddyhaugh

George M’Laurin , residenter , proprietor , lands , houses, and other subjects , Headdyke of Fosswell , &c .

John Mitchell , tanner , proprietor r, lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

Robert Mailler, mason , proprietor , lands , houses , And other subjects , Smiddyhaugh

Alexander M’Neill, currier, proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder and Crieff

William Morrison , weaver , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

Patrick Morison , carter , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder


John Nicholson , feuar , proprietor , houses and lands , Gowanbank


James Phillips , vintner , proprietor or owner, lands , houses , and other subjects , town of Auchterarder

John Pullar , labourer at Muir of Madderty ,proprietor or owner , , lands , houses, and other subjects , Smiddyhaugh


Robert Ross, farmer , tenant, lands and houses, Over Cloan

Peter Rintoul , farmer , tenant , farm , Ladywells

Henry Riddoch , carter , proprietor , land s, houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

John Richard , weaver , proprietor , klands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder


John Stirling , residenter , proprietor , lands , houses, and pertinents , Auchterarder

Peter Smitton, proprietor , lands  and estate , Woodside

James Smitton , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Nether Coull or Broadfold

James Smith , merchant , proprietor , houses, Auchterarder

Peter Smitton , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Broadfold or Nether Coull

James Sinclair , farmer , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

William Syme ,  merchant , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Baads and Braehead

Robert Salmond , farmer , tenant , farm . lands , and houses , Millands 

James Sharp, farmer , tenant , land s and houses , Ballieland and Hillhead

Patrick Smitton ,proprietor , lands and estate , Coul

Robert Smitton, merchant , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

John Stewart, watchmaker , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

 John Sinclair , merchant , proprietor , lands , houses, and other subjects , Smiddyhaugh

Thomas Sinclair , mason , proprietor , lands , houses, and other subjects Smiddyhaugh

Andrew Steel , portioner , proprietor , houses, lands , and other subjects , Longshot

Peter Steven , residenter , tenant , farm , Kirktonleys

Peter Sharp , at North Hillhead , proprietor or owner , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

William Somerville , weaver at Borland Park , proprietor or owner in right of his wife , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

James Sheddan , at Lochie , proprietor , or owner , lands and houses , Lochie and Broadgate

 Charles Sheddan , at Downhill ,proprietor , or owner , lands and houses , Headyke

John Somervaille , seedsman , tenant and occupier , lands and houses , Barnet’s Croft and Midd Croft Park


David Thomson , mason , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

Michael Tod , farmer , tenant , lands and houses , Shinnafoot

David Taylor , farmer , tenant , farm and lands , Foswellbank

William Thomson , blacksmith , proprietor  or owner , lands , houses, and other subjects , Auchterarder


Andrew Wedderspoon , surgeon , proprietor , land s, houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

William Whytock , blacksmith , proprietor , , lands, houses , and other subjects , Auchterarder

John Yeats , weaver , proprietor , lands , houses,  and other subjects , Auchterarder

Freeholders on the old Roll, deriving Qualifications from Lands in this Parish

Frederick Graham , residing in Dunkeld
Chalmers Izett of Altamount
James Johnstone of Kincardine
Alexander Stewart of Inverdunning

NOTE : Added in writing most probably by the Electoral Officer

John Brown Esq
Geo Patton Esq

Enrolled 1833

Roger Rollo Hunter Esq
JRH Hunter Esq
John Faichney
John Mailler
Capt John Hunter
Robert Martin
William Train
David Robertson
Robert Mailler
David Thomson
Alexr Harley
Robert Headudger
John Campbell
James M’Intosh

 Alphabetical List
of the
The Parish of Blackford
The County of Perth

William Anderson , farmer , lands and houses, North Mains of Gleneagles

John Anderson , farmer , tenant, lands and houses, Gleneagles and Murellos

Peter Anderson , mason , lands , houses , and other subjects , Blackford 

James Anderson , mason , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Blackford


Andrew Bannerman , distiller , tenant , lands and houses , Tullibardine

Adam Bennet , farmer , tenant , lands and houses , Easter Biggs

William Bryce , farmer , tenant , lands , Burnside


John Clark , minister , liferenter , glebe , manse and offices , Blackford

Robert Cairns , farmer , tenant , lands and houses , St Mungoes

John Crawford , farmer , tenant , lands and houses , Ladystown

Andrew John Crawford , farmer , tenant , lands , Milton

John Cram , farmer , tenant , lands and houses , Seathaugh , &c.

Daniel Connal , labourer and merchant , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Blackford , &c.


John Donaldson , farmer, tenant , lands and houses, Moor of Panholes


John Eadie , farmer , tenant, lands and houses , Easter Bardrill

Robert Eadie , shoemaker , proprietor , lands, houses, and other subjects , Blackford

William Eadie , innkeeper , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Blackford


Robert France , mason , proprietor , lands , houses, and other subjects , Blackford

Malcom Finlayson , tenant , lands , Whaick

Robert Fulton , farmer , tenant , lands , Burnside


John Gray , residenter , tenant , lands , Rhynd

William Gilmore , farmer , joint - tenant , lands , Mains and Mid Town

Robert Gilmore , farmer , joint – tenant , lands , Mains and Mid town

James Gentle , residenter , tenant , lands , Millhill


William Hally , farmer , tenant , lands and houses , Middle Third

John Hempseed, residenter ,proprietor , lands, houses , and other subjects , Blackford

John Headrick , residenter , joint – tenant , lands , Westertown

Robert Headrick , residenter , joint – tenant , lands , Blackbriggs , &c.


William Jack , farmer , tenant , lands and houses , East Mains of Gleneagles


John Kerron , tenant, lands , Haldraick


David Lawson , farmer , tenant , lands and houses , Farmtown

David Lawson , smith , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Blackford


Peter M’Robbie , farmer , joint- tenant , lands and houses, Drumfad

John Murray , farmer , tenant , houses and lands , Drumness

John Miller , farmer , tenant , lands and houses , Drumhead

James Miller , farmer , joint – tenant lands and houses , Easter and Wester Kinpauch

Thomas Menzies , mason and merchant , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects Blackford

William Miller , farmer , joint- tenant , lands and houses , Easter and Wester Kinpauch

Daniel M’Laurin , manufacturer, tenant , lands and houses , Waukmill

Daniel M’Robbie , farmer , joint – tenant , lands and houses , Drumfad

Andrew Murray , farmer , tenant , lands , Crofthead

John Maxton , farmer , tenant , lands , Waulkmill, Leadgreen , &c.

William Miller , farmer , tenant , land s, Kinpauch

Peter Malcolm , residenter , tenant , lands , Kincardine

John M’Gibbon , tenant , lands ,  Middle Greenwalls

Peter Miller , lime – burner , joint – tenant , lands and houses , Kinpauch

Alexander Miller , farmer , tenant , lands and houses , Comleyburn

David Mailer , farmer , tenant , lands and houses , Wester Colquhan Park , &c.

Alexander Monteith , farmer , joint – tenant , lands and houses , Cockplay and Carim

John Maitland , wright , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Blackford


John Paterson , residenter, tenant , farm , Barns


William Robertson , farmer , tenant, lands and houses , West Mains of Gleneagles

John Sinclair , farmer , tenant , lands and houses , East Third

Robert Sharp , junr., maltster , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Blackford

James Stirling , wright , proprietor , lands, houses, and other subjects , Blackford


John Taylor , farmer , tenant , houses and lands , South Hillhead

William Tran ***, farmer, tacksman , farm , Easthill of Tullibardine

*** possible mistranscription for Train

Robert Taylor , residenter , tenant , lands , Carsbreck


Thomas Whyte , farmer , proprietor , lands , houses, and other subjects , Blackford

William Whyte , residenter , proprietor , lands , houses , and other subjects , Blackford

Freeholders on the Old Roll , deriving Qualifications from Lands in this Parish

John Crichton of Friars Carse
George Harley Drummond , junior , of Drumlochty
Charles Drummond , junior , son of Charles Drummond of Charing Cross in the County of Middlesex , banker
Andrew Robert Drummond , junior , son of Andrew Berkley Drummond  of Charing Cross , in the County of Middlesex, banker
James Moray of Abercairney

NOTE : Added in writing most probably by the Electoral Officer

Enrolled  1833

Alex Monteath
Jas M Main
Robert Sharp


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