Leonard Mayall – a war time tragedy


                                           Colin Mayall


I never  met  my grandfather Lewis Mayall. He died months  after I was born . He was  one of  eight children  born to Edward Mayall and Sarah Chadwick . t

There were four boys and four girls. The boys all served in the Army and fought in the First World War. This story is a bout Leonard born in Rastrick West Riding of Yorkshire on the 27  June 1888 . Rastrick was a  small  town famed   for its  brass band  shared  with neighbouring Brighouse . There  were  some  six mills in the town and in the 1901 Census we  find out just how  important  to the economy they were  .

Edward Mayall my great grandfather aged 55  was working as a woollen card cleaner, Sarah his wife  aged 49 is not listed as  working and with  a  big  family was in probability looking  after the house . Mary the oldest daughter was 17 and listed as a cloth inker , her  sister Lily aged 16 as a  silk spinster and then Leonard , the oldest boy  at  home was a woollen piecer . Their  house  was  situated at 7 New Hey Road  near Round Hill , home of Rastrick Cricket Club  and was   comparatively rural .

                                                  MAYALL Family c 1900

         Back Row: John ( Jack ) Mayall Eliza Mayall Mary Alice Mayall Lewis Mayall

         Middle Row : Sarah Chadwick  Leonard Mayall Edward Mayall

         Front Row : Louisa Mayall   Brook  William  Mayall


                       The Mayall Family outside New Hey Road Rastrick c 1900

It is probable that an army life offered much more prospects for a young lad . His brother Lewis had joined the 17th Lancers and moved   with them to South Africa where they participated in the Boer War. Brother Jack had joined  the Duke of Wellington’s – the West Riding Regiment and Leonard  too signed up – to the 4th West Yorkshire Corps The Certificate of Attestation was dated 29thMay 1906 and he was only 17 years old. 

Some four years later he had transferred to the 1st Battalion the Northumberland Fusiliers and was on his way to India . The Regiment were based were based at West Ridge Rawalpindi. In 1914 as war loomed the Regiment were based at Portsmouth and  when War  eventually broke out It was assigned  to the 9th Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division and remained with it throughout the war. It landed at Le Havre on 14 August 1914 and remained on the Western Front until the Armistice with Germany. It fought in the following major battles:


Battle of Mons

First Battle of the Aisne

First Battle of Ypres

Battle of the Somme (1916)

Battle of Arras (1917)

Third Battle of Ypres

First Battle of the Somme (1918)

Battle of the Lys (1918)

Second Battle of the Somme (1918)

Battles of the Hindenburg Line

The Northumberland Fusiliers earned 67 battle honours and was awarded five Victoria Crosses, but at the cost of over 16,000 soldiers killed in action, and many thousands wounded. The Northumberland Fusiliers mostly saw action in the main theatre of war, engaged in static trench warfare on the Western Front in Belgium and France, but also participated in fighting on the Macedonian front, the Gallipoli Campaign, the Sinai and Palestine Campaign and the Italian Front.

When Leonard first contracted “ shell shock “ or “ sickness “ I  could  not ascertain but am of the opinion it  was during one of the early battles in 1915. . I do know that his service  record tells us  that he was discharged  on the  4 August1917. He had been awarded the Victory Medal. The British Medal and Star Medal as well as  being promoted  to Lance Corporal . He had been transferred to the 3rd Battalion. The 3rd Battalion were a special reserve battalion who were based at Newcastle  at the outbreak of War and moved  to East Boldon ( near Sunderland ) where it remained throughout the War as part of the Tyne Garrison . This fact enhances the probability that he was retained  in the  Regiment  after suffering  the shell shock but was transferred  from France/ Belgium back  to the UK . He was  also  attached  to the Manchester Regiment for a short period  but no details  can be  found

After his discharge Leonard became a resident at Storthes Hall Mental Hospital in Huddersfield . It had  been built and operated for many year as the West Riding Pauper and Lunatic Asylum before changing  the name  to something not quite  so shameful .He had  married a local lass in 1919 but  there did not appear to have been any children . He obtained a job  doing manual  work in a local mill .His wife lived in Bradford  as a kitchen maid in a hotel. Leonard died in October 1939 in Storthes.

Having  researched Leonard’s sad War experience and having spent the  last 22 years of his life in a mental hospital, I wanted  to find out  more  about the circumstances and how extensive it was amongst the British Forces.

Following is  from the Study  aforementioned

By the end of World War One , the British Army had  dealt with 80 000 cases of shell shock , including Siegfried Sassoon  and Wilfred Owen . Professor Joanna Bourke  of Birbeck ,University of London researched how the Army tackled  the extreme trauma this in some  detail and I highlight the  various sections  which I consider pertinent  to our study of Leonard Mayall .

Battlefield breaking points

On 7 July 1916, Arthur Hubbard painfully set pen to paper in an attempt to explain to his mother why he was no longer in France. He had been taken from the battlefields and deposited in the East Suffolk and Ipswich Hospital suffering from 'shell shock'. In his words, his breakdown was related to witnessing 'a terrible sight that I shall never forget as long as I live'. He told his mother:

'We had strict orders not to take prisoners, no matter if wounded my first job was when I had finished cutting some of their wire away, to empty my magazine on 3 Germans that came out of one of their deep dugouts. bleeding badly, and put them out of misery. They cried for mercy, but I had my orders, they had no feeling whatever for us poor chaps... it makes my head jump to think about it.' [Punctuation and syntax as originally written]

He was buried, dug himself out, and during the subsequent retreat was almost killed by machine gun fire.

Hubbard had 'gone over the top' at the Battle of the Somme. While he managed to fight as far as the fourth line of trenches, by 3.30pm practically his whole battalion had been wiped out by German artillery. He was buried, dug himself out, and during the subsequent retreat was almost killed by machine gun fire. Within this landscape of horror, he collapsed.


Medical symptoms

Aerial Photo of a World War One battlefield Aerial shot of a battlefield on the Western Front  .Arthur Hubbard was one of millions of men who suffered psychological trauma as a result of their war experiences. Symptoms ranged from uncontrollable diarrhoea to unrelenting anxiety. Soldiers who had bayoneted men in the face developed hysterical tics of their own facial muscles. Stomach cramps seized men who knifed their foes in the abdomen. Snipers lost their sight. Terrifying nightmares of being unable to withdraw bayonets from the enemies' bodies persisted long after the slaughter.

The dreams might occur 'right in the middle of an ordinary conversation' when 'the face of a Boche that I have bayoneted, with its horrible gurgle and grimace, comes sharply into view', an infantry captain complained. An inability to eat or sleep after the slaughter was common. Nightmares did not always occur during the war. World War

One soldiers like Rowland Luther did not suffer until after the armistice when (he admitted) he 'cracked up' and found himself unable to eat, deliriously re-living his experiences of combat.

...everyone had a 'breaking point': weak or strong, courageous or cowardly - war frightened everyone witless...

These were not exceptional cases. It was clear to everyone that large numbers of combatants could not cope with the strain of warfare. By the end of World War One, the army had dealt with 80,000 cases of 'shell shock'. As early as 1917, it was recognised that war neuroses accounted for one-seventh of all personnel discharged for disabilities from the British Army. Once wounds were excluded, emotional disorders were responsible for one-third of all discharges. Even more worrying was the fact that a higher proportion of officers were suffering in this way. According to one survey published in 1917, while the ratio of officers to men at the front was 1:30, among patients in hospitals specialising in war neuroses, the ratio of officers to men was 1:6. What medical officers quickly realised was that everyone had a 'breaking point': weak or strong, courageous or cowardly - war frightened everyone witless.



Defining trauma

Photo of a shell shocked victim undergoing a medical examination A medical officer examining a recruit  More difficult, however, was understanding what caused some panic-stricken men to suffer extremes of trauma. In the early years of World War One, shell shock was believed to be the result of a physical injury to the nerves. In other words, shell shock was the result of being buried alive or exposed to heavy bombardment. The term itself had been coined, in 1917, by a medical officer called Charles Myers. But Myers rapidly became unhappy with the term, recognising that many men suffered the symptoms of shell shock without having even been in the front lines. As a consequence, medical officers increasingly began emphasising psychological factors as providing sufficient cause for breakdown. As the president of the British Psycho-Analytic Association, Ernest Jones, explained: war constituted 'an official abrogation of civilised standards' in which men were not only allowed, but encouraged:

'...to indulge in behaviour of a kind that is throughout abhorrent to the civilised mind.... All sorts of previously forbidden and hidden impulses, cruel, sadistic, murderous and so on, are stirred to greater activity, and the old intrapsychical conflicts which, according to Freud, are the essential cause of all neurotic disorders, and which had been dealt with before by means of 'repression' of one side of the conflict are now reinforced, and the person is compelled to deal with them afresh under totally different circumstances.'

...a soldier who suffered a neurosis had not lost his reason but was labouring under the weight of too much reason...

Consequently, the 'return to the mental attitude of civilian life' could spark off severe psychological trauma. The authors of one of the standard books on shell shock went so far as to point out that a soldier who suffered a neurosis had not lost his reason but was labouring under the weight of too much reason: his senses were 'functioning with painful efficiency'.

Possible Cures

Photo of a shell shocked veteran : Four-fifths of shell shock cases were never able to return to military duty  ©Nevertheless, how were these men to be cured of their painful afflictions? From the start, the purpose of treatment was to restore the maximum number of men to duty as quickly as possible. During World War One, four-fifths of men who had entered hospital suffering shell shock were never able to return to military duty: it was imperative that such high levels of 'permanent infectives' were reduced. However, the shift from regarding breakdown as 'organic' (that is, an injury to the nerves) to viewing it as psychological had inevitable consequences in terms of treatment. If breakdown was a 'paralysis of the nerves', then massage, rest, dietary regimes and electric shock treatment were invoked. If a psychological source was indicated, the 'talking cure', hypnosis, and rest would speed recovery. In all instances, occupational training and the inculcation of 'masculinity' were highly recommended. As the medical superintendent at one military hospital in York put it, although the medical officer must show sympathy, the patient 'must be induced to face his illness in a manly way'.

...their reputations as soldiers and men had been dealt a severe blow.

Sympathy was only rarely forthcoming. Sufferers had no choice but to acknowledge that their reputations as soldiers and men had been dealt a severe blow. After a major bombardment or particularly bloody attack, if the combatant had acquitted himself adequately, signs of emotional 'weakness' could be overlooked, but in the midst of the fray, the attitude was much less sympathetic. 'Go 'ide yerself, you bloody little coward!', cursed one Tommy at a frightened soldier. When the shell shocked men returned home, things were not much better. Men arriving at Netley Hospital (for servicemen suffering shell shock) were greeted with silence: people were described as hanging their heads in 'inexplicable shame'. No-one better described the mix of shame and anger experienced by the war-damaged than the poet, Siegfried Sassoon. In October 1917, while he was at Craiglockhart, one of the most famous hospitals for curing officers with war neuroses, he wrote a poem, simply called 'Survivors':

No doubt they'll soon get well; the shock and strain / Have caused their stammering, disconnected talk. / Of course they're 'longing to go out again', - / These boys with old, scared faces, learning to walk. / They'll soon forget their haunted nights; their cowed / Subjection to the ghosts of friends who died, - / Their dreams that drip with murder; and they'll be proud / Of glorious war that shatter'd their pride... / Men who went out to battle, grim and glad; / Children, with eyes that hate you, broken and mad.

Books and articles

Shell Shock: A History of the Changing Attitudes to War Neuroses by Anthony Babington (Leo Cooper, 1997)

From Shell Shock to Combat Stress by JMW Binneveld (Amsterdam University Press, 1997)

War Neurosis and Cultural Change in England, 1914-22 by Ted Bogacz (Journal of Contemporary History, volume 24, 1989)

Dismembering the Male: Men's Bodies, Britain and the Great War by Joanna Bourke (Reaktion Books, 1996)

No Man's Land: Combat and Identity in World War One by Eric J Leed (Cambridge University Press, 1979)

Problems Returning Home: The British Psychological Casualties of the Great War by Peter Leese (The Historical Journal, volume 40, 1997)

Female Malady: Women, Madness and English Culture 1830-1980 by Elaine Showalter (Virago, 1987)

The Regeneration Trilogy by Pat Barker (Viking, 1996 )


Archive of primary documents from World War One Established and maintained by the World War One Military History discussion group, the site focuses on 1890-1920, discussing topics from military, diplomatic, social, and economic issues to the arts.

The Great War The PBS site for 'The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century' series goes beyond the military and political history of World War One to explore its ongoing social, cultural and personal impact.


The Wilfred Owen Multimedia Digital Archive








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